Mia has claimed the sofa…
Recently adopted “Jasper” on his new couch
He loves his blankie!
“Gracie Kelly”, ask us about Sponsoring her!
GRI’s Newest Sanctuary greyhound, “Gracie Kelly”, ask us about Sponsoring her!
Welcome home!
Duncan, Dylan, Barnabas, Gypsie, Pepper and Rydell
Recently adopted “Duncan” making himself to home!
He really likes his sofa…
Newly adopted “Pepper” loves to take rides with his new dad!
Just Cruzin’
Recently adopted “Gypsie” first week home!
Gypsie thinks she is a lap dog… I guess she is right!
“Dylans” First week home, recently adopted
Recently adopted dogs, “Barnabas”
Do greyhounds get along with smaller animals! Yes!
Sharing is Caring!